Friday 26 June 2015

Tobago to Brazil

Hopefully by now most readers have figured out that I
am from Trinidad in the Caribbean, to be more accurate.
Its Trinidad & Tobago, 2 islands which make up the
Republic Nation.

K, enough history for one day.

What do you think of when you hear the word Brazil?

Yes, me too...

hmmm... not so much

wait is this the right pic? Yes it is.

yes travellers, this is Brazil

Sao Paulo, Brazil to be exact.

There is now; a once per week; flight from Tobago to Sao Paulo, Brazil via

 (no copy right)

Gol Airlines.

The price for these airline tickets are competitive.
Travels no longer have to fly to Miami the connect, this results
in a much shorter time to Sao Paulo, Brazil. 

Check out the site and feel free to leave me a comment.

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